「5ALoyalty診断」はトランスコスモスが提供するロイヤルティ診断サービスです。 ”5A” とは、デジタル時代のカスタマージャーニーに対応した指標で、フィリップ・コトラーの著書『マーケティング4.0』で紹介された新しいカスタマージャーニーです。5つのAはそれぞれ「認知(Aware)」「訴求(Appeal)」「調査(Ask)」「購買(Act)」「推奨(Advocate)」を表しています。トランスコスモスは日本で唯一、このオリジナルの5A指標を測定することが可能です。そしてデジタル時代に即した、ロイヤルティマーケティングの戦略立案をサポートいたします。

Three Strategies to Gain Customer Loyalty Part 2: Brand Strategy (3-part series)
As you are all aware, the marketing environment is changing at a dizzying pace. It has long been said that we are in an ...

Three Strategies to Gain Customer Loyalty Part 3: Customer Strategy (3-part series)
As you are all aware, the marketing environment is changing at a dizzying pace.It has long been said that we are in an e...

What are Kotler’s Marketing 4.0 PAR (Purchase Action Rate) and BAR (Brand Recommendation Rate)?
In the days when the customer journey was a linear funnel, brand awareness was the most important aspect of corporate ma...

What is PSM Analysis?
What is PSM Analysis? Pricing is a very important element of marketing. Pricing strategy is one of the strategies that m...

What is MVP?
When you hear the term MVP, you probably think of the Most Valuable Player, MVP, used in professional baseball and other...

What are the three most influential segments in the digital age?
In Kotler's proposed "5A's" of the customer journey, the last step, Advocate, is becoming increasingly important in the ...

Management with a focus on Marketing in the center will open up Japan’s future. Former Ajinomoto’s Hiroki Oizumi and transcosmos’s Tsunehiro Fukushima in Conversation.
transcosmos' Fukushima invites guests to talk about the latest marketing situation. In this second episode, we hear from...

Kotler’s “Marketing 5.0” In-house Summary Part 1: Welcome to Marketing 5.0 (12-part series)
Five years have passed since the release of "Marketing 4.0," which also triggered the birth of transcosmos’ (hereafter r...

World Marketing Summit 2021 Tsunehiro Fukushima’s speech, Loyalty Marketing and Market Creation Open Up the Future.
The World Marketing Summit, initiated by Philip Kotler, the "father of modern marketing," has been held in countries aro...

The Importance of CX in the ages of Weak Yen, Tsunehiro Fukushima explains Loyalty Marketing in the CX Era, Part 10
There is a growing worldwide movement toward WITH Corona to restore life before the Corona disaster.Against this backdro...