5A Loyalty Suite編集部


What is Required of Marketers in the Era of “Ultimate Personalization”? A dialogue between former Kao Corporation’s Tatsuo Ishii and transcosmos’ Tsunehiro Fukushima

transcosmos' Tsunehiro Fukushima invites guests to discuss the latest marketing situation. For the first session, Mr. Ta...

The Typology of Customer Journeys in the Marketing 4.0 Era

The customer journey is how a customer progresses along the path from brand unawareness to awareness, to interest, to pu...

Interview with Prof. Naoto Onzo, Beyond “Marketing 4.0”

Naoto Onzo, Professor at Waseda University's School of Commerce and Management, is the translator of "Marketing 4.0: The...

Interview with Hikaru Yamamoto, ‘How to work with “Marketing 4.0″‘

In "Marketing 4.0," the traditional customer journey, in which "purchase" was considered the goal, has been drastically ...

What is Omni-Channel Marketing? Let’s create a customer journey with 5A.

Omni-channel marketing is a method of integrating various channels to create a seamless and consistent customer experien...

How to respond to an era where the connection between companies and customers has changed from vertical to horizontal

With the development of technology, the information asymmetry between companies and their customers is dissolving. Tradi...

What are our core values? Marketing the value to your employees.

Corporate values (values) express what a company values. By integrating their values into the process of conducting busi...

What are SDGs?

Have you ever heard of the SDGs? Although the SDGs are increasingly being recognized in corporate marketing activities t...

What is UGC/CGM?

In recent years, UGC has become increasingly important in marketing. If you are wondering what UGC is and how it differs...

What is Marketing?

What is marketing? It may be difficult to answer this term, which is widely used in business and as an academic discipli...