

What is Brand Affinity? How to Engage with Customers in the Marketing 4.0 Era

Brand Affinity is a marketing term for familiarity with a brand; Affinity is a word that means closeness, familiarity, o...

Marketing 4.0, Aware – Appeal – Ask – Act – Advocate, Let’s understand the components of the 5A’s!

According to Kotler, in the age of connectivity, the customer journey should be redefined in terms of the 5As, or the pr...

What has changed in Kotler’s marketing from 3.0 to 4.0?

Kotler's marketing theory has changed with the times, starting with product-centered marketing (1.0), followed by custom...

What is co-creation marketing to obtain customer recommendations? Case Studies in Japan

Co-creation is a concept raised by C.K. Prahalad and others in their book and represents a new way of approaching innova...

Study of the evolution of modern marketing. Explaining the characteristics of each of Marketing 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0

We have introduced the concepts of Marketing 4.0 and 5A so far. You have seen that the definition of the term "marketing...

Study of the 5A customer journey map in Marketing 4.0

The concept of the customer journey map in the era of connectivity (the era in which customers are connected to the Inte...

What is the Difference between 5A and NPS? Tsunehiro Fukushima Explains Loyalty Marketing in the CX Era, Part 7

NPS is widely known in Japan as an indicator to measure product and brand loyalty. I am sure that some of you are using ...

What is Customer Journey? Tsunehiro Fukushima explains Loyalty Marketing in the CX Era, Part 8

The customer journey is the history of contact between a customer and a product, service, or brand. Customers have a var...

What is Marketing? Tsunehiro Fukushima explains Loyalty Marketing in the CX Era, Part 9

What is marketing? This is a philosophical question. The Japan Marketing Association defines marketing as "comprehensive...

What is Market Creation? Tsunehiro Fukushima explains Loyalty Marketing in the CX Era, Part 4

What is the concept of market creation? To continue to be chosen by customers, it is important to continue to provide va...
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